Senin, 30 Juni 2008

momento lagi...

wah... sudah sekian hari ini dan sekian minggu ini aku ke momento terus... mungkin kalo ada member nya, aku bakal seneng,karena bisa dapet diskon juga,,,(ada gak ya???)...

berhubung kemaren aku sudah blog mengenai cafe dan tempat nongkrong di jogja, dan saat itu momento masih aku kasih score "average",nah malem ini aku perbaiki deh reputasinya momento..

setelah mencoba berbagai manu dan minuman yang ada, menjelajah dunia maya dengan koneksi dari momento, saya memutuskan dan menetapkan bahwa mulai saat ini score momento saya naikkan menjadi.......8,5...

"the best place that i ever visited.."

temen ku kemaren hanya mencoba "chocomelt"-nya Momento, tapi malem ini aku buktikan kalo "banana pancake"-nya juga memuaskan... dengan balutan roti lunak dan paduan ice cream vanilla,membuatnya semakin menggugah selera... wahaha 

dan nasi goreng nya ppun uenak banget..

kalo makanan favorite kita sih "sandwich goreng"-nya, belom ada yang ngalahin deh... hahaha..mantab...

kalo ada comment silahkan ditambahi yah..:))

:additional: si Dyas "kingkong" pun bilang tempat ini bakal enak banget...hahaha

J-co nite..

hampir sama sih isinya dengan blog temen di sini... tentang perjalanan kita malam minggu kemaren..

what a wonderful and tires nite... sumpeh enak jalan2 bareng tuh.. biarpun cuma sama segelintir orang..

dan gue dapet pemandangan "paha" lumayan eksotis deh.. hehehe..

nih dokumentasi kita2:                  

wah enak banget jalan2 nya... sampe badan capek semua..kapan2 lagi yah...

glenn, uthe and me..

wah... teman2,,, konser glenn kemaren mantab banget..dari aksi, lagu2nya, dancer"wow", dan yang dateng juga ok2 semua..

apalagi sampe dapet moment foto bareng Uthe, yang masih dan tetap jadi idolaku..nih dia dokumentasinya..;) 

bagus banget deh konsernya,..nyesel gak nonton.. biarpun gue co,tapi tetep macho kok walaw nonton glenn, yang gak macho itu yang gak nerima kelebihan orang..hahahaha

Rabu, 25 Juni 2008

rame n pawai

kemaren waktu lewat jalan Gejayan AKA Affandi, ada iring2-an rame banget.. secara gue bukan orang Jogja, jadi gue heran, karena tradisi kayak gini bakal jarang banget ditemuin di Sumatra,tempat asal gue..

dari iring2-an and arak2-an itu, ada berbagai macam komunitas, dari komunitas Affandi sampe perwakilan-perwakilan universitas and juga para ibu2..

seru banget deh, sampe jalan Affandi macet total..

ada apa yah, ada yang tau??/

kalo ada yang tau mbok yo di share..hehee

Senin, 23 Juni 2008

friday nite @ empire...(revice)


i just arrived @10.30 pm... there only 2 people here... its good for me... because i have no plan this nite,so i just came to this place..

i pretty much love this place, cozy,exclusive and good for me.. i planned to update my software here.. coz the update only can be downloaded with Mac computer...fiuh..
but actually it does not really matter for me..

time is ticking,and many people come here.. and actually they came just to watch the soccer match, EURO cup.. i don't pay much attention on the game,but most of the people here watch these game...

they just talked and mumbling about the game,the player, and so forth...

i just figure out that the soccer game always followed by the gambling,many people here just talked about it...

ah... why always gambling and gambler.. this are the gambler...

and in the other side,the watcher,are the people that just
same coz of their friend and their just sleep here.. here they are..

ahahaha... sweet dream....

wow... the GOL just happen.. Croatia did it first, then the opponent,which is Turkey did too... wuhh... many people scream out loud great... and i think those are things that always happen is recent days,especially in EURO cup... hahahaha..

the game is over @4.30 am in the morning..and the winner is...TURKEY...horay....

friday nite @ empire

i just want

Rabu, 11 Juni 2008

karoke is the best

pertama kenal ma dunia karaoke tuh waktu semester 2 kuliah.. waktu berjalan, sering maen-maen ke karokean jadi ketagihan.. sampe sama temen-temen kuliah hampir setiap minggu kita karaoke-an.. gila banget, jadi fun banget kalo abis karokean,biarpun suara ama musik gak pernah sinkron.. hahahaa

tadi kita karokean bareng ama temen2 kampus lagi, gak banyak sih yang ikut..hiks..
sekarang dah pada sibuk masing-masing.. dah pada mulai mau lulus kali yah, jadi jarang ada waktu buat maen2 bareng-bareng lagi...
jadi pengen mengabadikan moment-moment kita di karaoke nih.. nih beberapa foto kita.. senangnya!!!

semoga ada waktu seperti ini lagi di masa yang akan datang... gyahahaha...

reaD ThiS!!!

wow... amazing..
have you read the "Traveler's Tale"?? u should and must read that book...
what makes that book special??
actually, this book only told us (readers) the path and the journey of four people for the same destination and for the same reason...
yes, one thing that always behind the scenario!!
anyway, the way the writer to deliver they story was very-very beautiful.. it is just the real story, i think it was..
just read, and you'll be happy and open your mind about the world..

anyway, i have another book to read, Dracula, yep, that old book...
i don't know why, but the outfit design really-really tempting for me..
the red color of the book is very mysterious..
i wont wait to read this book, even i already watched the movie several time.. haha

more review....

Minggu, 08 Juni 2008

again!!! AJI!!!

who did not watch his performance last Friday?? u will be so upset!! really2 unbelievable!!
just watch here, AJI
you will be proud JOGJA!!!

vote for him!!!

Rabu, 04 Juni 2008

which 1 are You???

well,this is quite serious i guess, the most serious thing i ever wrote.. hahaha...

after 3 years living in this "small", "beautiful" city, and explored some places for hang out,of course the cheap place for me, then i want to share something now.. after having some intellectual argument with my own mind, i guess, in decided to wrote some place that i ever came and i grade that place.. giving grade is not simple, sure i have to consider several thins, so my considerations are:
- atmosphere
- service
- food and drink (product)
- internet connection
- my feeling...(always)

after read this review, i want you to give me a comment..... PLEASE!!!

1. Coffee Break
it is placed in Kaliurang street, the protocol ones, open from 4 pm - 2 am... (i guess). the most common food is coffee and friends..
for several time i went there,i just can said the overall service is 7.5 in range between 1-10..

2. Kedai Kopi
it is placed closed to Gejayan also,and this is one of the most popular place in Jogja, i dunno what made this place so special, some friends of mine said that a lot of girls there and some said that the overall service is good,but i felt that all of they said is relative so i just in between..
in my opinion, the score will be 8, the same range... hehehe

3. It's Coffee
hmmm.... this is one good place i guess, but unfortunately the place has been closed permanently.. it is placed in Timoho, Melati Wetan street.. i just same once so i just gave it 7..hahaha

4. Own cafe
wow,another RIP cafe here.. hahaha... own unfortunately also have been closed. Own has some branches in Jogja, one is in Seturan and one in Sagan.. i think the possible bankruptcy cause is the price of their products.. but that is for me... haha so i just gave 7...

5. Goeboex coffee
with no pre-assumption, i just want to be neutral, so i just scored from the service, product and atmosphere of the place.. i have been worked there for at least 6 months, so i understand what actually happen inside there.. haha so, i just gave 8...."peace"

6. Momento cafe
just come now,and overall id good, i mean the criteria is OK.. and just OK! so i will give 7... o yah, i forget to give the placed,this is placed next to LIA Gejayan..

7. Djendelo Cafe
wow,it is unique and memorable place i guess.. what made it memorable, the only thing is the "MOSQUITOS".. prepare your self with the lotion if you want to go there.. hahaha...
simple place, simple food and also simple service... hahaha.. just give them 7...

8. Empire
save the best for the last, is it applied here?? i don't think so... hahahaha Empire also placed in Gejayan, close to gas station.. elegant, simple, luxurious, and for me... hahaha... kidding, just say that is good place for business man.. price is good,service is good and connection is good... so, the score will be 8... hahaha

u have read this page, honestly, these are just my opinion,so it will be different personally, so... up 2 U!!!

WORK time!! now OR never!!

because starting from this month (June) i will have more free and useless time, so i just looking for some job opportunity, whatever is it as long as i interested and sound good for me then i will take it!!

and lucky me, this week i just accepted to work in one of the popular bookstore in Jogja, so i guess this is may be the first challenge for me.. what kind of job is that?? how come?? what the "things" behind this opportunity?? these are the FAQ (frequently asked question) that my friend always asked me, now i will summarize all those question in this blog..(since i am not always have a free time to see my blog, so i just do it now) ;)

what kind of job is that???

this job actually is very-very simple, i just walking around the store to check the customer,help them, assist them in finding the book which are they looking for and giving them more recommendation (of course to sale more product..hehehe)
i work 6 days a week,no weekend effect, and just 5 hours each day.. because i am just a free lance employee, so i don't have to have the same work hour with the "real" employees..

such a nice job isn't it?? hahahaha

not doing a lot of "suck" things but i'll get more friends..hehe
i don't really think about the money, coz as long as i like this job, i will do it,the money is just the bonus!!hahaha

but, in every work place always meet new people with different and unique personality right,so i have to prepare my self, may be and just may be one of those "unique personality" does not like me, so i don't know what is going to happen.. hahaha

How ComE??

just lucky time for me.. related to "this" blog, my previous blog, i just "hang out" with two of my "superior" friends at "window cafe" then one of them said that The Bookstore open recruitment for free lance worker. i just interested for this opportunity and i just apply for that.. within a week, i just called for the interview withy the vice CEO, or kind like that, of this bookstore.. again, lucky me, she did not ask many question, she just asked why, when u available and thank you... one day after the interview she called me for work at the following day.. just lucky me!!!

What the "ThingS" behind this??

i always think simple, never make something complicated.. i just accepted and i like this job sooo... i do it!! think positive is good for me, you and every one... just quoted from "The Secret", it said that the world is your personality and mind, if u have positive mind set,the world will give u the positive things, and contrary. hehehe

wish me all the best then...


another "hAng OuT" Time!!!

tonight, now, recently, whatever it called, this time is wednesday night.. and again, my friends, them, the two girls, invite me to go to "Momento Cafe"..
the cafe is placed close to Gejayan AKA Affandi street, south of LIA precisely..

The Place!!

nice place, this cafe has at least 15 tables. the design is very-very simple,the owner or whatever it called, just use the free place near the house, or we usually called as "halaman depan", but actually i can say this is nice place for hang out.. different with previous place we went, this place is free from "mosquitos" where the "window cafe" id full of mosquitos.. argghhh...

THe FOOD and Drink!!

one good thing to inform u then, the food are delicious,many new flavor here, new taste for me.. but unfortunately for the drink, there is no "pure" juice for me,all of the juice are "mixed" juice.. i don't really like it...

The Price!!

the most important for me is the price, you know as a student, price is always first consideration.. gya ha ha ha ha ha.... the price is around 3000 - 15.000 for drink and 6000-16000 for food.. is it cheap, isn't it?? hehehe.... (relative though)

the connection!!

as like many other cafe in jogja, the city for student, the internet connection is very-very-very-very important!! my friend said that the connection is pretty fast, but unfortunately i can''t use it.. HIKS!!! any way, one silly thing happen actually, one of mine can not use her device properly, so she need advice from the employe.. hahaha... silly isn't it?? you have but u can not use it..."peace yah"!

in general,this night is good for me, relax time is coming for me, after i worked almost 6 hours, then i have free time now..


"I" Idol VS "A" Idol????

this is good question for me.. i like this kind of reality show that looking for brand new singer in their country..

capek'e pake bahasa Londo, pake Indo aja lah,,,, hahahaha...

cuma mau bandingin dan kasih prediksi aja buat "I" Idol kita, selama Kupret AKA Aji masih bercokol di panggung spektakuler, maka gue yakin Aji bakal maju ke final...

yang mau gue bandingin sebenernya bukan dari kualitas nyanyi or teknis nya, gue cuma compare aja dari pandangan gue, coz gue bukan expertise nya..

di "A" idol kemaren, gue jagoin banget si David Archuletta, tapi sayangnya dia cuma runner up aja.. biarpun umurnya baru 17 tahun, dibanding dengan saingannya yang udah 25 tahun,the other David, dia cukup bisa berkompetisi kok..

setiap lagu yang dia bawain itu punya soul, soul dia di lagu2 ballad terutama.. gile banget deh kalo die dah improve dengan suaranya yang khas itu, mantap..
apalagi kalo pas liat performance dia di final result show nya,dia duet ma "One Republic" bawain lagu "Apologize", gile,gue ampe BERGIDIK JACK!!!!

bukan dilihat dari kualitas dan improve nya aja,tapi soul yang dia bawa itu mantap, ampe sekarang gak bosen gue denger lagu2 die...

trus kalo di-compare ma "I" Idol kita, gue sekarang jagoin si Aji nih.. spektakuler show minggu kemaren gue gak sempet liat sih, tapi gue dah download video performancenya di Youtube.. wah, MANTAP banget.. gue jagoin AJi karena dia emang talented dan bisa bawa lagu2 dengan nuansa baru, karakter dia yang enjoy dengan semua jenis lagu itu sebuah kelebihan dibanding yang laennya pastinya.. dan kalo dibanding dengan kontestan yang laen,gue yakin dia bisa masuk final show tuh...

buat Indonesia, siap2 punya Idol yang unik abizzz dan buat Jogja, selamat, karena idola kita yang baru sednagn berjuang dan memutuhkan suara kita..

Bravo semuanya!!!!!